The MADELEINE project


Feedback from the MADELEINE minisymposium at EUROGEN 2019

The consortium organised a minisymposium dedicated to the project. It was held during the 13th International Conference on Evolutionary and Deterministic Computing for Industrial Applications (EUROGEN) on 12 and 13 September 2019 at the premises of the Universidade do Minho in Guimarães, Portugal.

The primary aim of this event was to offer the MADELEINE presenters a forum to engage with large audience specialist in evolutionary and deterministic methods in optimization of design, encourage open exchange of information with fellow delegates and present the latest achievements of the project.

The event proved to be a unique opportunity for the participants to obtain an overview of the recent advancements on the research scene, with 8 presentations showcasing the MADELEINE results. The conference attendees had the opportunity to engage into fruitful discussions and networking with the representatives of academia, research community and industry involved in MADELEINE.

Around 100 delegates participated in the event.

The MADELEINE presentations attracted many delegates. Some presentations can be downloaded below:

  • Contributive talk No 5: On the selection of the most appropriate MDO formulation with respect to the problem dimension: application to realistic aerostructure wing design by Matthias De Lozzo (IRT Saint Exupéery)

  • Contributive talk No 8: Adjoint-based optimization for a jet-engine fan blade design by Andrea Giugno (Rolls Royce)

We are happy to inform you that the next minisymposium of MADELEINE will be organised at the WCCM XIV - ECCOMAS 2020 congress to take place in July 2020 in Paris.

We look forward to meeting you!

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